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Our Services

Our Services

What services do we provide ?

Young Downs Syndrome Couple Sitting On Sofa Using Laptop At Home

Specialised Positive Behaviour Support

Including assessment, development of a plan aiming to limit the likelihood of behaviours of concern developing or increasing.


Assistance with Daily Personal Activities

To enable people to live as autonomously as possible – such as personal hygiene, dressing, medication assistance, financial management, communication skills and lifestyle mentoring



Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement (SIL)

Arrangements to assist individuals with or to supervise tasks of daily living in a shared living environment, which is either temporary or ongoing and designed to develop the skills of the individual to live as autonomously as possible.


Accommodation/Tenancy Assistance

The provision of transition supports for people seeking a place to live, which suitably caters to their type and level of needs.

Assistance with Travel and Transport

provision of travel arrangements and support for people to access essential services.


Assistance with Life Stage Transitions and Support

Including mentoring, peer support, individual skill development, and decision making to support people to make transitions on their terms and in a way that meets their goals and aspirations


Innovative Community Participation

Where individuals are supported to participate in mainstream community-based activities that are open to all members of the community.


Development of Daily Living and Life Skills

Including developmental-focused activities and training to enhance the person’s ability to live as independent an everyday life as possible.

Smiling woman with husband cleaning wooden furiture with rag at home

Assistance with Household Tasks

Such as meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance, cleaning, and laundry.


Assistive Products for Household Tasks

Such as social outings and group and social activities on Ultra-Care Disability prem Assistive Products for Household Tasks ises.


Group and Centre-based Activities

Such as social outings and group and social activities on Ultra-Care Disability premises.


Participation in the Community

Including supported shopping, medical appointments, sporting and recreational events, social activities, visiting or making new friends, travel and transport and building confidence and social skills.

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